curated by Giovanni Vimercati
An Arab Woman's Place is in the Struggle

Paraphrasing Assata Shakur’s dictum “a woman’s place is in the struggle,” this program of films by and about women in the Middle East is meant to foreground their place on the frontlines of political struggles, past and present. Often faced with a dual form of oppression, within and without their societies, women in the Middle East have had to confront the orientalist paternalism that frames them as helpless victims to be rescued. The films in this program are an antidote to this enduring stereotype, showcasing the many ways in which struggles have been articulated by Arab women against colonial occupation, patriarchal and economic exploitation. Unimpressed by the publicized promises of The West and its brand of duplicitous “freedom,” the emancipatory projects and urges these films document and stage are not meant to legitimize one system over another, but to undermine the very structure of oppression altogether. Though concerned with specific forms of coercion, historically and geographically situated, these films evoke a will to generalized liberation that ultimately transcend their contingencies.

The program was released by Cryptofiction and is available there too.

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Les Femmes Palestiniennes (Palestinian Women) by Jocelyne Saab, France, 1974

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Nation Estate by Larissa Sansour, Palestine / Denmark, 2012

curated by Forum Lenteng
Letters to the Future: Southeast Asian Cinema

Letters to the Future features a selection of Southeast Asian films that offer contemporary commentaries. These letters, written from our standpoint in a time when recording devices have become more accessible and democratic, serve as reflections and trajectories of hopes that were once full of promise but have since diverged in different directions. This collection of films acts as mirrors to a Southeast Asia that was once a landscape to behold—a region of tigers, garudas, elephants, fertile soil, volcanoes, and vast forests, where populations were more closely connected to one another. Through these small yet profound narratives, the films capture the essence of a region that has witnessed both unity and fragmentation.

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A Room with a Coconut View by Tulapop Saenjaroen, Thailand, 2018

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Tropic Fever by Mahardika Yudha, Perdana Roswaldy, Robin Hartanto Honggare, Indonesia / Netherlands, 2022

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To Pick A Flower by Shireen Seno, Philippines, 2021

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Lumapit Sa Akin, Paraiso (Come to Me, Paradise) by Stephanie Comilang, Philippines / Canada, 2017

Selected Titles: an in-house collection

Our Selected Titles program presents a carefully curated selection of historical works, cinematic classics, and contemporary films. As a platform dedicated to the cinema of the Global Majority, we recognize the importance of avoiding an oversimplified North-South binary when engaging with colonial dynamics and the romanticization of the Global South.

Many of the films in this program challenge the assumption that moving beyond the Western canon inherently transcends colonial frameworks. Instead, they reveal how imperial and colonial legacies persist, perpetuated by nation-states against minoritized groups, including women and working-class communities, within the Global South.

While most films align with this thematic focus, some have been included as a courtesy to filmmakers who have requested a platform for their work on Cinelogue.

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Tambaku Chaakila Oob Ali (Tobacco Embers) by Yugantar, India, 1982

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Molkarin (Maid Servant) by Yugantar, India, 1981

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Tigress by Maya Bastian, Canada, 2021

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Lok Sath (People’s Tribunal) by Ali Nobil Ahmad, Pakistan / Germany, 2018

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What The Soil Remembers by José Cardoso, Ecuador, South Africa, 2023

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بين موتين (Between Two Deaths) by Ameer Fakher Eldin, Occupied Golan Heights / Syria / Palestine, 2015

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Soundless Dance by Pradeepan Raveendran, France, Sri Lanka, 2019

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Slingshot Hip Hop by Jacqueline Reem Salloum, Palestine, 2008

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Al Otro Lado de La Niebla (Behind the Mist) by Sebastián Cordero, Ecuador, 2023

Khartoum Offside
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Khartoum Offside by Marwa Zein, Sudan, Norway, Denmark, France, 2019

Caméra d'Afrique
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Caméra d’Afrique (Twenty Years of African Cinema) by Férid Boughedir, Tunisia, 1983

La Saison des Hommes – Moufida Tlatli
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La Saison des Hommes (The Season of Men) by Moufida Tlatli, Tunisia, 2000

curated by Jacqueline Nsiah
Movements Towards Liberation

In this curated library section, the films deal with different forms of human movements that are relevant to the time in the set African country. The films use the camera as a tool to unearth stolen objects from Africa, document the women that fought vehemently for women’s rights, reconstruct historic events, as well as to capture memories of colonization and the subsequent consequences of neo-colonial struggles that force many young people to risk their lives to cross the Sahara desert to get to Europe.

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On a le Temps Pour Nous (Time is on Our Side) by Katy Léna N'diaye, Belgium / Senegal / Burkina Faso, 2019

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Madame Brouette by Moussa Sène Absa, Senegal, 2002

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Fofo Means Father by Denzel Owoo, Ghana, 2023

l’escale by by paul shemisi, nizar saleh, rob jacobs, and anne reijniers congo, belgium 2022 still 5
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L’Escale (The Stopover) by Collectif Faire-Part, DR Congo / Belgium, 2022

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Le Cri de La Mer (The Cry of The Sea) by Aïcha Thiam, Senegal, 2008

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Ainsi Meurent Les Anges (And So Angels Die) by Moussa Sène Absa, Senegal, 2000

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Tableau Ferraille by Moussa Sène Absa, Senegal, 1997

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Ça Twiste à Popenguine (Twisting in Popenguine) by Moussa Sène Absa, Senegal, 1994

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You Hide Me by Nii Kwate Owoo, Ghana, 1970

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When Women Speak by Aseye Tamakloe, Ghana, 2022

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Independência (Independence) by Fradique, Angola, 2015

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Uprize! by Sifiso Khanyile, South Africa, 2017

curated by Forum Lenteng
Post-Reformasi Cinema of Indonesia

The space of Post-Reformasi Cinema in Indonesia is complex and enigmatic. It serves as a reflection of the disparate ideologies, conflicts, regimes, and the fragmented nature of Indonesia’s historical narratives. With the advent of more accessible, affordable, and portable cameras, filmmakers are now able to explore and connect the diverse threads of Indonesia’s multifaceted histories, offering new perspectives on its evolving identity.

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Pesantren (A Boarding School) by Shalahuddin Siregar, Indonesia / Japan / Qatar / South Africa / Finland, 2019

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Cerita Dari Pulau Karaka (A Story From Karaka Island) by Halaman Papua, Indonesia, 2014

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Welu de Fasli (Candlenut’s Fasli) by Wahyu Utami & Ishak Iskandar, Indonesia, 2017

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Sugiharti Halim by Ariani Dharmawan, Indonesia, 2008

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Golden Memories (Petite Histoire of Indonesian Cinema) by Afrian Purnama, Mahardika Yudha, and Syaiful Anwar, Indonesia, 2018

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Mayday! May Day! Mayday! by Yonri Revolt, Indonesia, 2022

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Sedap Malam (Agave Amica) by Gembong Nusantara, Indonesia, 2022

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Maryam by Sidi Saleh, Indonesia, 2014

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Mangga Golek Matang di Pohon (The Mangoes) by Tonny Trimarsanto, Indonesia, 2012

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Saya di Sini, Kau di Sana (A Tale of the Crocodile’s Twin) by Taufiqurrahman Kifu, Indonesia, 2022

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Segudang Wajah Para Penantang Masa Depan (The Myriad Faces Of The Future Challengers) by I Gde Mika & Yuki Aditya, Indonesia, 2022

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Di Balik Cahaya Gemerlapan (Sang Arsip) (Behind the Flickering Light (The Archive)) by Hafiz Rancajale, Indonesia, 2013

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Naga yang Berjalan di Atas Air (The Dragon Who Walks On The Water) by Otty Widasari, Indonesia, 2012

curated by Abhishek Nilamber
To Miss the Woods

Cinema might have originated in the West, but in South Asia it is domesticated and venerated. Bolly, Lolly, Tolly, Kolly, and other woods of the region have thrived, conforming to and even amplifying the inherent social hierarchies and cultural hegemonies of the region, namely caste, class, religion, languages, clan, aesthetics, and geography, among others. Yet the cinematic expressions that did not conform to this hegemony were bereaved of a wider exposure.

To Miss the Woods invites the audience to literally ‘miss the woods for the trees’ and explore the diverse cinematic flora that has emerged beyond the defined woods. We present to you a bouquet of films from South Asia that are a labor of love and are made with care for community rather than the market. We hope that this selection will inspire and challenge the audience to reimagine the South Asian cinemascape.

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বাগানিয়া / Baganiya (Garden of Memories) by Humaira Bilkis, Bangladesh, 2019

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Turup (Checkmate) by Ektara Collective, India, 2017

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Movements of Migration by Shireen McCormack, UK, 2022

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The Land of My Forefathers by Irfan Noor K, Pakistan, 2021

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Sindhustan by Sapna Moti Bhavnani, India, 2019

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Trans Kashmir by S.A. Hanan, Surbhi Dewan, India, 2022

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Eye Test by Sudha Padmaja, India, 2017

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Blood Earth by Kush Badhwar, India, 2013

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A Walnut Tree by Ammar Aziz, Pakistan, 2015

curated by Ronnie Vitalia
Afro Queer Voices

Afro Queer Voices focuses on Black Queer visibility of African LGBTQIA+ filmmakers or their protagonists reclaiming their narratives.

This library section presents engaging images of African queerness and gender fluidity highlighting the oppression experienced by LGBTQIA+ individuals on the African continent and beyond. With this program, we invite audiences to immerse themselves in the complexities of Black Queer love and explore the controversies around homosexuality and Queerness in different African communities. The films navigate between Queer rights, politics, and culture, as well as internal suffering, abandonment, and the struggle for acceptance.

With Afro Queer Voices, we learn that the forms of resistance invented by Queer communities, especially those experiencing compounded oppression, vary. As we witness the pain of loss due to family abandonment, hate crime, violence, and psychological abuse, young African Queers escape without a known destination and slim chances of survival. Resistance becomes an underground life of alternative families and kin as support networks aiming to provide shelter, comfort, and safety to those expelled from their original homes.

The program aspires to navigate issues of social injustice and politics, underlining that the global Afro Queer community is not only an integral part of Queer cultures that require historical acknowledgment, but also a significant cornerstone of global feminist social movements.

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Stud Life by Campbell X, UK, 2012

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Difficult Love by Zanele Muholi, Peter Goldsmid, South Africa, 2010

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I Am Samuel by Peter Murimi, Kenya, 2020

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How Not to Date While Trans by Nyala Moon, USA, 2022

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Umunthu by Mwizalero Nyirenda, Malawi, 2013

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The Art of Sin by Ibrahim Mursal, Sudan / Norway, 2020

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Ìfé by Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim, Nigeria, 2020

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Country Love by Wapah Kelechi Ezeigwe, Nigeria, 2022

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Forbidden Fruit by Sue Maluwa Bruce, Beate Kunath,Yvonne Zückmantel, Zimbabwe / Germany, 2001

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Tchindas by Pablo García Pérez de Lara, Marc Serena, São Vicente, Cape Verde, 2015

curated by Fanny Huc
Fresh Voices

Thanks to the democratization of production resources and digital communication channels, new voices are contributing to a cinema in Latin America that challenges hegemonic structures, criticizes the colonizing eye, and yields new narratives proposed by female, indigenous, black, mixed, queer, diasporic people, and others. Despite the vastness of the films’ contents, a deep humanity can be found within the resilience of these nations.

In this collection, we give prominence to new voices that express themselves freely and become the subject of their own images, while exploring different ways of thinking about Latin American experiences. Dreams and intimacies often collide with violence, abandonment, or impositions, but share the unwavering desire for a better future.

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Días de Luz (Days of Light) by Gloria Carrión Fonseca, Julio López Fernández, Mauro Borges Mora, Enrique Pérez Him, Sergio Ramírez, Costa Rica / El Salvador / Guatemala / Honduras / Nicaragua / Panama, 2019

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Ibegwa by Duiren Wagua, Panama, 2021

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El Amparo by Rober Calzadilla, Venezuela, Colombia, 2016

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Los Lobos (The Wolves) by Samuel Kishi Leopo, Mexico, 2019

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Sola (Alone) by Seneca Dávalos, Peru, 2023

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Iwianch, el Diablo Venado (Iwianch, the Devil Deer) by José Cardoso, Ecuador, 2020

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Wiñaypacha (Eternity) by Óscar Catacora, Peru, 2017

previous programs
Monangambeee – Sarah Maldoror
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Monangambeee by Sarah Maldoror, Algeria, 1969

Rekava – Lester James Peries
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Rekava by Lester James Peries, Sri Lanka, 1956

La Noire De... – Ousmane Sembène
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La Noire De… by Ousmane Sembène, Senegal, 1966

Borom Sarret – Ousmane Sembène
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Borom Sarret by Ousmane Sembène, Senegal, 1963

Tajouj – Gadalla Gubara
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Tajouj by Gadalla Gubara, Sudan, 1977
