How Not to Date While Trans

by Nyala Moon

USA, 2022

hntdwt h264 1080 (1).00 07 25 02.still002
streaming regions: GLOBAL


How Not To Date While Trans is a break-the-fourth-wall, dark comedy that follows the dating life of a Black trans woman and the problematic cis-men she meets along the way. Andie is on a quest for self-love and romance but ends up with a broken heart.

about the director

Nyala Moon is a graduate of City College with an MFA in film production. Nyala was also a 2020-2021 Queer|Art Film fellow, a TV writing fellow for Hillman Grad, and a Film Fatales director fellow. Nyala’s latest film, How Not to Date While Trans (2022), has won audience and best short awards at Inside Out Toronto’s 2SLBGTQ+ Film and Video Festival, Wicked Queer Boston’s LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Translation Seattle’s 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival, and NewFest 22. In June 2022, Nyala was selected as a 2022 NewFest/Netflix New Voices Filmmaker Grant winner. Her film, How Not to Date While Trans, was selected for distribution through Frameline’s New Voices program. Her latest short film, Dilating For Maximum Results (2023), won the Grand Jury Prize for Outstanding US short. Filmmaker Magazine named Nyala as one of the 25 New Faces of Independent Film in 2023.
